Where do you get your ideas?
I don’t know but they’re out there somewhere. I find a lot of them when I’m running or hiking in the woods, and also when I’m riding my bike. We all have ideas. Once we practice noticing them, they’re easier to find. When they do show up, I’ve learned to write them down in my sketchbook or in the notes section of my phone.
What is your favorite color?
I love all bright, happy, vibrant colors.
What do you like to do besides writing and drawing?
I love traveling, cycling, running, hiking, yoga, reading, painting, petting every dog I meet, spending time with friends and family, gardening, and collecting books and art supplies.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers and artists?
Write a lot, read a lot and draw a lot. And most importantly, have fun.=
What would you like to do if you weren’t a cartoonist?
I can’t think of anything else I’d like to do, and I’ve tried a lot of other things. I was an animator, an art director, a graphic designer, a lifeguard, a fitness instructor, an art teacher and a camp counselor. All of those things helped me along the windy path I took to becoming a cartoonist, but being a cartoonist is what I love to do the most.
Where do you live?
I live in Connecticut, very close to New York City.